Everyday cyclists are neither BMX riders nor professional road racers often riding on either a high-step or a step-through bike frame. The type of frame you choose can affect your riding experience. If you do not have much cycling experience, the terms high-step and low-step might not mean anything. We will explain both frames to make an informed decision.

cityrun step-through and brawn step-over ebike

Define Step-Through and Step-Over Bikes

The frame of a step-over bike is diamond or triangle-shaped. They are also known as high-step bikes because they include an extra frame tube that extends from below the head tube at the front of the bike to the back wheel. This top tube is responsible for the diamond or triangle shape of the frame. On the other hand, step-through bikes do not have this extra frame tube.

That is the primary distinction between these two bike frames. While it may not appear to be a major deal, it impacts how you get on and off the bike. A step-through frame allows easy lift your foot and walk into the bike, right behind the handlebars, straddling the frame.

It is a little more complicated with a step-over bike: the rider raises one foot up and over the back of the e-bike to straddle the frame and get on the seat (thus the name "step-over" — you step over the frame to get on and off the bike).
You will see the difference by comparing Heybike's high-step versus step-through models: The high-step bike has an additional frame tube that runs from right below the handlebars to beneath the seat post. This extra bar is not present in the step-through model.

Pros and Cons of Step-Through Bikes


These frames have several main advantages, including the following:

Easier to Mount and Dismount

Low-step frames have the apparent advantage of being easier to mount and dismount. You will not have to swing your leg over the back wheel to get aboard. These bikes are best for women and older riders.

Kinder on Your Clothes

Step-through bikes are less stressful on your clothes because you do not have to lift a leg over the back wheel and seat to get on. They are fantastic for wearing with skirts or dresses — or incredibly tight jeans that do not allow for a lot of leg lift. You do not want to shred your pants down the middle while getting on your bike!

More Comfortable Riding Position

Do you want a comfortable riding position that makes your rides more enjoyable? Then step-through bikes are an excellent option. Step-through bikes have the most upright riding position and are also the easiest to mount and dismount since riders step through the curved frame.

More Stable

Step-thru e-bikes typically have thicker tubing due to the lower or absent top tube, enhancing the bike's structural stability. Additionally, their accessibility and ease of use make step-through ebikes an excellent choice for heavier adults.

More Versatile

Step-through bikes are more versatile, they are a one-size-fits-all solution.

Commuting, Running Errands

Step-through bikes are best for conducting errands that involve frequent mounting and dismounting. For example, if you do delivery driving and make numerous stops throughout the day, you may prefer the convenience of a step-through frame.


Although step-through bikes are simple to mount and off, they also have some drawbacks. Here are a few disadvantages:


Step-through bikes lack the top frame tube of a step-over e-bike, giving the impression that they should weigh less. In reality, step-through bikes are more robustly built than step-over bikes because they lack the extra frame tube and the stability it provides. As a result, step-through models are typically larger and heavier, making them difficult to manage.

Not Suitable for Tough Terrain

Step-through bikes lack the stability of a step-over bike's second frame tube, making them less suitable for rough terrain. For example, a step-over frame is far superior to a step-through frame when riding over unpaved surfaces. In general, the step-through frame is preferable for everyday casual situations.

Pros and Cons of Step-Over Bikes


Step-over bike frames have their own set of advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of their benefits:

More Frame Stiffness

Step-over bicycles are also commonly built to be used on a variety of terrains. Because of the stiff frame geometry, a step-over bike is built for any kind of travel, whether you like to ride up hills or take your bicycle off-road.

More Stability at High Speeds

The step-over bike's extra frame tube aids at high speed. The extra frame tube going from below the handlebars to below the seat post adds stability to step-over bikes. An e-bike with a triangle/diamond-shaped frame is more durable and long-lasting.

More Lightweight

Step-over bikes are typically lighter, making them easier to maneuver.


However, step-over motorcycles have some disadvantages. Here are some drawbacks to consider:

Difficult to Mount and Dismount

Step-over or high-step bikes may be more tricky to get on and off. They may not be suited for older persons or those with restricted mobility because they demand you to swing your leg up and over to ride. Aside from the limited accessibility, getting on and off the bike might be a pain, especially if you are in restricting apparel.

Restricted Usage Choices

There are a few alternatives for utilization. While step-over bikes outlast step-through cycles, they are not a one-size-fits-all answer. For example, you will need a road bike to race professionally. If you wish to try BMX, you will need a BMX-specific frame with adequate suspension and a derailleur for handling jumps and steep inclines.

How to Choose Between a Step-Through and Step-Over Bike?

A step-through bike frame is not necessarily superior to a step-over bike frame, and vice versa. Some of these personal aspects influence the "best" frame for you:


High-step bike frames are designed for taller riders, while step-through bike frames are better suited for shorter cyclists. For instance, the Heybike step-through bike frame is specifically designed for cyclists between 4'11" and 6'3", while the high-step bike frame is suitable for riders between 5'3" and 6'9"


When it comes to choosing a bike frame, context is quite important. If you commute to work, a step-through commuter bike frame will be gentler on your formal dress when mounting and dismounting. If you want to ride for fitness, consider a step-over model. It is better suited to hills — ideal for working up a sweat! If you get on and off your electric bike frequently, you might want to consider a step-through frame.

Intended Terrain

Step-through frames, as previously said, are better suited for flat surfaces. Step-over frames, on the other hand, can better accommodate inclines. So, if you are going to be riding mostly on city streets, a step-through frame is a must. However, a step-over frame will provide more stability if you intend to travel steep terrain.


There are many factors to consider when selecting a step-through or a step-over bicycle. While each has distinct attributes, the style you choose depends on your riding style and preferences. And once you have decided on a frame, we are convinced you will have a great riding experience regardless, because e-bikes are fun! Aside from being a lot of fun to ride, ebikes can also help you clear your mind and get some exercise.

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